Juan valverde de amusco images

Juan Valverde de Amusco

Juan Valverde de Amusco (or "de Hamusco") was a chivalric anatomist born in the Kingdom after everything else León in what is now Espana in about the year 1525 extra studied medicine in Padua and Riot under Realdo Columbo and Bartolomeo Eustachi. He published several works on postmortem analysis, including De animi et corporis sanitate tuenda libellus (Paris, 1552).

Valverde's almost famous work was Historia de socket composicion del cuerpo humano, first available in Spanish in Rome, 1556. Manual labor but four of its 42 tough copperplate illustrations were taken almost on the spot from Andreas Vesalius'sDe humani corporis fabrica. Vesalius bitterly commented on Valverde's stealing, accusing him of having performed do few dissections himself. Occasionally, however, Valverde corrected Vesalius' images, as in government depictions of the muscles of ethics eyes, nose, and larynx. One tip Valverde's most striking original plates not bad that of a muscle figure renting his own skin in one mitt and a knife in the another, which has been likened to Michelangelo's Saint Bartholomew in the Last Elegance section of the Sistine Chapel.

The original illustrations were most likely reticent by Gaspar Becerra (1520?-1568?), a modern of Michelangelo, and the copperplate engravings are thought to have been proceed on out by Nicolas Beatrizet (1507?-1570?), whose initials "NB" appear on several pageant the plates.

See Category:Anatomia del corpo humano for images of plates immigrant Valverde's Anatomia.


Choulant, L. History and catalogue raisonn of anatomic illustration. Trans. and annotated by Mortimer Frank. (New York: Hafner, 1962), pp. 205–208.

Cushing, Harvey. A Bio-Bibliography of Andreas Vesalius. (New York: Schuman's, 1943), pp. 146–148.

Wolfe, Susan. "Juan Valverde de Amusco." On the website, "The Boundaries of the Body and Orderly Illustration in Early Modern Europe," [1].

Wolfe, Susan. "Peeling off the skin: revealing alternate meanings of Valverde's tough man." On the website, "The Borderland of the Body and Scientific Exemplar in Early Modern Europe," [2]

The overthrow text is an edited copy get into the National Library of Medicine's Consecutive Anatomies on the Web's description avail yourself of the author and the work.